Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin*

This book will make you cry.
Ms. Martin portrays Rose, a fifth grader with Autism (high functioning, very intelligent) with sensitivity and insight.  Rose loves homophones (she calls them homonyms), rules, and numbers ( prime numbers).  But ultimately she loves her dog, Rain, who her father found in the rain.
During a hurricane, her father leaves Rain outside to do her business and she does not return.  The story relates how Rose searches for her and ultimately must make a tough decision.
*Highly recommend.

Points to discuss/warnings:  Two times the father swears-pg. 93 and pg. 127.  The father drinks too much and almost hits Rose but instead slams his fist into her dog's back.  In the end her father drops her off at her Uncle Weldon's house and does not return (for her own good which the reader can infer the father really does care about her and recognizes how he is not fit to raise her). Death of her mother (Rose does not find out until the end of the story).  Autism (portrayed well and with sensitivity).  Affects of a hurricane.

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