Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Winnie's Great War by Lindsay Mattick & Josh Greenhut illustrated by Sophie Blackall

 Ms. Mattick's great-grandfather, Harry Colebourn, bought a bear on his way to WWI.  He named her Winniepeg after his home town.  Soon Winnie, which was her nickname, became the Second Canadian Infantry Brigade's mascot.  To save her from the perils of the war, Lt. Colebourn takes her to the London zoo until the war ends.  Since she was so friendly, visitors could actually enter her enclosure and interact with her.  After the war Lt. Colebourn realizes that Winnie would live a fuller, happier life at the zoo, so he donates her.  It just so happened that one of her regular visitors was a boy named Christopher Robin.  As his father observed Christopher's interactions with her, a story developed . . .Winnie-the-Pooh!

Ms. Mattick divides the book up by Winnie's different settings (the woods, White River, Valcartier, Atlantic Ocean, Salisbury Plain etc).  The story also revolves around Lt. Colebourn's journal entries, which she includes in the book.  Although the book is based on fact and research, a lot of the dialogue, relationships, and events are imaginary.  Additional information and photographs are included after the story finishes.

Very interesting and cute!

-Borrowed from the library.

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