Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

 Nora Seed decides to end her miserable life. Her life has comprised of poor decisions and haunting regrets. Instead of dying she finds herself at the Midnight Library, where a former school librarian, Mrs. Elm, awaits her. At the Midnight Library, she can choose a book which will transport her to a parallel universe where she made a different decision. She can live that life for a time and decide if she was to remain as her parallel self. 

This book was intriguing and unique. It will be one I will always remember! Thankfully, my husband has his undergrad and Masters in physics and could explain a bit about quantum physics and the theory of parallel universes. 

As I was reading, however, I realized I was given a picture of how people may feel about life who do not know Christ and who do not find purpose in Him. I found the philosophers quoted depressing. The theory of evolution has impacted how man views himself and life. The novel ends hopefully but the character's hope is falsely placed.

Warnings: some intense cursing (f word) at times, The following concerns are included but not graphic: Nora has sex, Nora's brother, Joe is gay and his lifestyle is commended, suicide, drug & alchohol abuse 

-Borrowed from the library

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