Sunday, August 7, 2022

The Librarian Spy by Madeline Martin**

 Earlier this year I read Ms. Martin's novel, The Last Bookshop in London. I was thrilled to learn that she was soon publishing another novel set during World War II. Once again she has written a well-researched, well-developed novel with complex characters. She has also proven in these last two books that sexual encounters and sex do not need to be part of a novel. It is so refreshing to read a book without any of the inappropriate scenes or agenda-driven inclusions. Thank you, Ms. Martin. Please keep writing books like this!

The chapters alternate between two characters' points of view, Ava, a "librarian" in Lisbon, Portugal and Elaine, a printer for the Resistance in Lyon, France. Both women are undercover and encounter danger each day. As Ava is photographing (for a microfiche film) an article from the Combat (published by Elaine and fellow Resistance Fighters), she realizes she has stumbled upon a code. Together, altough they don't know each other, these two women sacrifice their safety for two Jews, a mother and her young son to escape to North America.

Other "minor" characters played major roles in the story. Their courage and convictions were incomprehensible. The more I read about WWII, the more I realize I only know a minute amount of information and stories about the heoric, ordinary people during this time. 

**Highly, highly recommend.

Consider/warning: Ms. Martin does not shy away from the Nazi's brutality and cruelty. Some scenes are graphic and violent. Many people die at the hands of the Nazis. Suicide also occurs. Maybe two swear words in the entire book. The Last Bookshop in London was not as graphic. 

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