Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Mona Lisa Vanishes by Nicolas Day with art by Brett Helquist*

Award winner: Sibert Medal Winner

World magazine listed this book as one of the top nonfiction books published in 2023. 

With humor and the pace of a detective story, Mr. Day shares the events surrounding the Mona Lisa heist in 1911. Mr. Day researched extensively. My mind was spinning at points from learning about the different individuals connected to the case! He even transports the reader to the 1500s where we interact with Leonardo da Vinci, learn about his childhood and then about his interesting "career". The plot switches between the 1500s & 1911-1913. 

Mr. Day's tone and voice is engaging and humorous. He proves that nonfiction reading and history can be fascinating!

Points to discuss: da Vinci is an illegitimate child, stealing, lying, betrayal, Picassco lives with a woman (call her his "partner), mentions how a man was so obsessed with the Mona Lisa that he committed suicide

Strategy: monitor comprehension (vast amount of individuals involved with case . . .plus many theories & conclusions arise and then are disproven!! Also, the reader needs to keep straight the two time periods portrayed)

*Highly recommend 

-Borrowed from the library.

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