Thursday, May 16, 2024

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley*

 My eighth grader finished his literature course this school year by reading Frankenstein. He really enjoyed it and shared some interesting thoughts and conclusions about mankind with me. I could not keep up with his reading pace, so I finished it a couple of weeks later!

I too really enjoyed the novel. Ms. Shelley's writing is superb. I could have enjoyed the novel simply by the word choice and how Ms. Shelley communicates her ideas/the story. In addition to the well-written prose, I appreciated the opportunity to contemplate humanity's natural state (fallen and sinful) and humanity's responses to that natural state. Both my son and I did not like any of the characters but that did not take away from the enjoyment of the book. Ms. Shelley's purpose was not point out our need for God but accomplishes it!

*Highly recommend.

-I own this book.

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