Saturday, November 14, 2015

Mudball by Matt Tavares*

I love Mr. Tavares' amazing artwork in all of his books.  He draws his characters' faces so well you can feel what they are experiencing and feeling.
In this book he brings to life the legend of Andy Oyler.  Stories about him and that fateful day have changed over the years but no matter what is true, the story is uplifting and inspiring!
Andy is the shortest player on his team, the Minneapolis Millers and the entire league!  One rainy day Andy contemplates quitting.  He just cannot seem to make contact with the ball.
Then during the downpour, Andy's career in baseball is forever changed.  He hits the ball and helps the team win the game.
Mr. Tavares captures the suspense and the atmosphere of baseball well.  My boys and I were laughing at the opposing team's second baseman's reactions to Andy.
The palette used is very appropriate for a rainy day in baseball-browns, grays, whites and blacks.  Even the page edges have wet splotches on them.
**Highly, highly  recommend.
*Borrowed from the library.
I wish I had known about this book for my library story time this past summer which focused on "unlikely heroes".
Strategies: Daily CAFE website recommends using this book to model check for understanding for 4th grade.  On their website they provide a "brief focus lesson" using this book.  It also lends itself to predicting.
Grade Level Equivalent: 3.2

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