Saturday, November 14, 2015

Shy Charles by Rosemary Wells

Strategies: Daily CAFE website recommended using this book to model/reinforce check for understanding for first grade.  On their website is a "brief focus lesson" outline using this book.  I also recommend using this book to model/reinforce using prior knowledge to make connections.

Charlies is painfully shy.  His parents are sick and tired of it so they come up with some solutions, like joining ballet and football.  These solutions are a failure.  Then Charles' babysitter comes for the evening and falls down the stairs, hurting herself.  Will Charles shyness prevent him from helping her?

Warning: I did not like how the father treated Charles.  His words were demeaning (like "You're a jelly roll! You're just a cowardly custard." . . .)
Guided Reading Level: L (2nd grade)
Grade Level Equivalent: 3.1
*Borrowed from the library.

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