Friday, November 6, 2015

The Dancing Turtle by Pleasant DeSpain illustrated by David Boston*

"A Folktale from Brazil"
The turtle plays lovely music on her flute and then goes into a dance.  After dancing so exuberantly,  she tucks herself into her shell and sleeps.  Unbeknownst to her, a man has been watching her and while she sleeps, he grabs her and takes her home so he can make turtle soup.  He warns his children to leave her in her cage as he goes to work in the fields the next day.
Can turtle use her cleverness and gifts to outsmart the children and the man?  Or will she meet her demise in  . . turtle soup?!
I liked how the illustrator included a large assortment of animals in the background of each page.  I would have liked if a small illustration of each animal with a brief description would have been included in the back.
*Highly recommend.
Someone recently gave this book to the boys.

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