Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat by Lynne Jonell illustrated by Jonathan Bean*

No matter how good Emmy tries to be, her parents seem not care nor pay any attention to her.  In fact, ever since they became rich (a distance relative left his estate and his assets to them), they seem not to care about her.  They take long vacations and seem to care only about frivolous, selfish matters.  Not only does it seem like she is invisible to her parents, her teacher and classmates seem to disregard her and not even realize she exists at times!  The only comfort she has is the pet rat in the classroom.  One day she discovers she can converse with him!  When she helps him escape from his cage, a whole new world opens up to her and she discovers a sinister plot that is threatening her parents' lives.

We honestly initially purchased his book because Jonathan Bean illustrated it.  He and I grew up in the same area so whenever he returns to his home county, we try to attend his book signings.  When my oldest finally read it, he recommended it to me and said it was excellent.  I enthusiastically agree!
--Part of a series-trilogy.
*Highly recommend.

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