Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Walking Across Egypt by Clyde Edgerton

 Recently I bought Honey for a Teen's Heart by Gladys Hunt with Barbara Hampton for my thirteen-year-old, so he could find wholesome titles to read. It is NOT one I would give him to him to read. Although I found it humorous and loved the main character, Mattie Rigsbee, different parts were not appropriate. 

Seventy-eight-year-old Mattie Rigsbee thinks maybe she is falling apart a bit. Then a dog-catcher, Lamar, enters her life. Life becomes a bit more exciting. She decides to visit Lamar's nephew Wesley, who is in an institute for criminal teens, since Jesus says to minister to the least of these. This visit commences a series of events that redirect Mattie's life. 

Mattie is a faithful church-attendee and seems to love God and want to live for Him. I would not, however, label this book "Christian". I love the descriptions of Mattie's good cooking/baking and people's reactions to it. They keep stopping by around meal times!

Excellent character depictions. Many humorous interactions

Warnings: When certain characters speak, they swear often. Wesley thinks about: "making it" with women, about a girlfriend he had and how "she wouldn't let him do anything hardly, even after he told her he loved her", lying, when Wesley is taking a bubble bath, he thrusts his groin up through the bubbles to see his privates (not explicit description, but enough to know what he is thrusting up!), Mattie talks about sperm count, she also thinks at the end that maybe she should marry Wesley so she can have a type of grandchild?-a bit wacky & weird.

Borrowed-inter-lib. loan

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