Wednesday, March 14, 2018

I Survived #16 The Children's Blizzard, 1888 by Lauren Tarshis*

John and his family have recently move from bustling Chicago to the desolate Dakota Territory.  As a city boy, John finds the lifestyle there intimidating and feels wimpy compared to the other boys who have grown up there.  An unexpected blizzard blasts onto the Dakota Territory when John and the other children are at school.  A series of terrifying events occur which test John and prove that he is capable of surviving this frontier.
Ms. Tarshis once again pulls readers into a time period of history and engages them with an exciting story line.
Her writing is very descriptive.  I will be sharing selections of it with my boys to model "show, not tell" in their writing.
*Highly recommend this series-especially for reluctant readers/boys.
-Borrowed from the library.

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