Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Snow Rocket by Derek Anderson

Romeo (a penguin) and Lou (a polar bear) create a snow rocket one day which actually blasts off and takes them to a different planet (really a city on earth).  Preschoolers and young elementary readers will giggle as the pair make incorrect assumptions about what they see in the city.
The two friends must figure out a way to return to their beloved home.
My four year old asked, "But do polar bears live where penguins live? (He had just learned about the Arctic and Antarctica in preschool)"  I had not even thought about the fact that the two creatures live at opposite poles!  He then said, "Why did the author do that?".
So this "incorrect" character combination may lead to a good discussion about where these animals live and the liberties authors are allowed to take when they write a story!
Strategies: the importance of correct schema to understand, inferring

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