Henry is the Mastermind; Reed is the brawn; and Riley is the journalist behind each adventure. The boys (that is Reed) bikes off a roof onto a pool cover; survive a weekend in the woods (until they encounter a few escapees from a traveling circus); collect specimen from a dumpster (that is Reed); solve a hundred year old murder mystery and provide the best Memorial Day parade ever! The final chapter accumulates when the boys pull a prank on a bully whom the teachers and principal even fear.
This book is what I consider a "hi-lo" book. It is a 4th grade reading level(according to Yearling-back cover) but will appeal to middle school/junior high boys who are struggling and/or reluctant readers.
I am not going to let my third grader read it because . . . .
Points to discuss with younger elementary readers: The bully (Dwight) mentions his sister buying a training bra. The boys want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Their interest in girls is beginning but nothing inappropriate is mentioned/explained.
Guided Reading Level: W (5th and higher)
Grade Level Equivalent: 9.4
Borrowed from the library
If your child likes this book, he/she will like these books: Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat and Soup books by Robert Newton Peck (although there is some swearing in these books).
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