When I spied this book on the shelf in our library, I knew I had to bring this home to share with my nine year old who loves dragons.
A farmer has seven daughters and each one is named after which order she was born. The third daughter, Three, is ugly and a jealous type. On the other hand, Seven, is sweet and kind and also beautiful. While in the fields one day, Three almost kills a snake. Just in time Seven appears with lunch and rescues the snake. The snake is really a dragon who captures the farmer. He will not release him unless he gives one of his daughters for a wife. Seven agrees to marry the dragon and is pleasantly surprised to discover the dragon really is a wealthy, handsome prince.
When he allows her to return home to visit her family, jealous Three pursues an evil deed. Will the prince ever see his beautiful, kind wife again?
Strategies: character traits, connections (T-T)
*Highly recommend.
-Borrowed from the library.
The illustrations are stunning.
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