Willard's father loves baseball and so does Willard. One of their favorite players is Babe Ruth. As they were driving their flock of sheep home, a roadster slides into the ditch. The driver? The Babe! Willard's father pulls him out of the ditch. Before he leaves, the Babe gives Willard a glove! This encounter begins a lifelong relationship with the Babe.
The author moves time along quickly so the reader experiences Willard's life from the time he is twelve until he is a married man with a daughter. I really liked how historical aspects are carefully included so the reader can see how lifestyles and the United States change over time.
I did not, however, agree with the main character's (and the author's) politics!
A great combination book-historical fiction and biography.
Warning: At least three times the Babe says the "d" word.
-We own this book (the woman who hired me for my first teaching job gave it to me when she retired).
Guided Reading Level: R (4th grade)
Grade Level Equivalent: 5.5

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