While holding true to the original Rapunzel story, Ms. Morrison adds dimension to the characters and explores answers to "why".
Why would a witch take children so she can remain youthful?
Why would Jack make a bargain with a giantess?
Why would Rapunzel be content in her tower all of these years?
Rapunzel loves witch and all that she provides for her. Then when Jack invades her tower (no prince or valiant warrior has been able to), she is appalled by his accusations against witch. She and Jack set out on an adventure across the land of Tyme where Rapunzel discovers that the land dwellers are not all evil and ordinary life can be magical.
Yet she remains loyal to Witch, urgently wanting to return to the tower to save her from Geguul. Can she trust Witch or will she erased all of Rapunzel's adventure memories?
Very exciting! Will appeal to girls who love adventure (boys will even like this story too, I think.).
*Highly recommend for junior high and older.
-Borrowed from the library.
Guided Reading Level: Y (6th grade)
Warning: Rapunzel is very naive. She does not understand the concept of parents and them having children together. The author states that Jack has to explain it to her (and is quite embarrassed as he tries to educate her!). He also has to explain what happens at childbirth (the labor, how a child comes into the world). So if the parent has not explained reproduction yet, the reader may be asking questions.
This book also makes the reader feel sorry for witch who has done so much evil. A good discussion about forgiveness and justice could ensue the reading of this book.
Book #2-Disenchanted: The Trials of Cinderella was published this past Oct (2016).

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