The main point I am mulling over in my mind after reading this book is my boys are NOT projects to be managed but souls to be cultivated. With my Type A personality my natural tendency is to make lists and not deviate from the plan. I also multitask and as a result, I am not present, attending to the soul in front of me. Mrs. Mackenzie addresses all of these inclinations plus many more.
She points out that God needs to be the source of strength. pg. 80 she reminds the reader that, "God doesn't need you. But He wants to work through you."
One idea I want to implement right away is keeping a commonplace book where I jot down any quotes or beautiful language I read that I want to remember. As I teen I did this and it helped me tremendously to be more contemplative and celebratory of God's beautiful creation and His ways.
**Highly, highly recommend for moms who homeschools or teaches.
-Borrowed from the interloan library system.
Link to Mrs. Mackenzie's blog:

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