Jake Semple has been kicked out of so many schools, including one that he may have set on fire, that no school will accept him. He finds himself in North Carolina at Wit's End farm where an extended family pursues artistic activities and homeschools. He is not thrilled. Juvenile Detention is starting to be more appealing!
E. D. (Edith) does not fit in with her artistic family. She is organized, practical and likes order. She creates her own curriculum and goals and takes pride in her thick homeschool binder. When she finds out that Jake will be in her "class", she declares that her school year is ruined.
This book is full of eccentric, quirky characters who will make the reader chuckle. Definite changes occur in Jake and by the end of the book, it is not just his hair that has transformed!
Guided Reading Level: U (5th-6th grade)
Warnings/cautions/point to discuss: The parrot swears and Jake likes to swear (specific words are not written-just inferred). Destiny, the four year old, tries his hand at swearing. Jake also smokes and tries to steal away to smoke. Jake is attracted to the one sister, Cordelia, and checks her out thoroughly a couple of times. The one aunt is into the New Age way of life/religion/meditating.
-Borrowed from the library.

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