Then Theseus, also from Athens, secretly comes to Daedalus, informing how Athens must send a tribute of boys and girls for the Minotaur to devour. Daedalus is horrified and draws a map of the labyrinth so Theseus can defeat the Minotaur. Theseus is successful in slaying the Minotaur and takes the boys and girls and Ariadne (King Minos' daughter) with them. Enraged, King Minos throws Daedalus and Icarus into a tall tower. Then Icarus gives Daedalus an idea for escape. But Icarus is not able to enjoy the freedom when his wings melt and he plunges into the sea.
The last page shares what happens to Daedalus after this tragedy.
Ms. Yolan ends each page with an italic sentence about how the gods are reacting to the events.
My eight year old and I read this book together over a couple of days to support our study of Crete.
This story is so sad!
Mr. Nolan's watercolor illustrations add heart to the story. He also includes the gods' facial expressions in the sky as the story is told.
Warning: Icarus' death may bother sensitive readers.
*Highly recommend.

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