Monday, September 14, 2015

A to Z Mysteries The Runaway Racehorse by Ron Roy*

Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose head off to New York state to visit Dink's Uncle Warren.  He has just purchased a new race horse who looks promising.  Then Whirlaway disappears and when he returns, he is acting strangely.  Oddly he loses the big race.
With team effort and observation skills, the three friends figure out why Whirlaway is so slow and acting unusual.
*Highly recommend series for transitional readers.
My preschooler loves to listen to these books but I do not enjoy reading them aloud as they are written for transitional readers so the sentence structure is not sophisticated.  But he begs and I accommodate!
Guided Reading Level: N (3rd grade)
Grade Level Equivalent: 2.6


  1. Krista, I so enjoy your blog and the insight on each story. Thank you for the comment about sophisticated sentence structure and for making it okay to read some things the kids enjoy even though it may not be the best "literature".

  2. Thank you, Amanda! I appreciate your feedback. It is sometimes agonizing to read aloud simple chapter books but if it helps the listener love reading more and want to read, then it is worth it!

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