Fred longs for adventure but is held captive by boarding school and a workaholic father.
After a break spent in South America, he and three other children are being flown in a small plane to Manaus, Brazil where they will take a ship to Great Britain. The pilot, however, has a heart attack; the plane crashes and catches fire.
Now each day is an adventure for the three twelve year olds- Fred, Con, Lila and five year old Max as they try to survive in the Brazilian Amazon. As they travel, they discover clues that indicate they might not be the only humans in this part of the Amazon.
*Highly recommend.
Perfect for boys who love adventure (girls too)!
-Borrowed from the library.
Warning/points to discuss: a few d-ns; a couple of times it says Fred "curses or swears" but not the specific words; Con admits she wishes half the people she knows were dead and tries to wish it upon them.