The chapters alternate between Caitlin's and Martin's points of view.
Wow. This story is captivating and motivating.
Caitlin was a typical twelve year old upper middle class American girl who pursued the latest fashions and cute boys. Then her English teacher, Mrs. Miller, assigns them the task of writing to another child from a different country. Caitlin selects Zimbabwe because it sounded unique.
Thus begins the writing correspondence between Martin and Caitlin.
Slowly, letter by letter, Caitlin realizes that Martin lives a very different life than she does and his worries differ from her concerns drastically. Each day he and his family wonder if they will have enough money for food and school tuition. Soon Caitlin redirects her focuses from who is her best friend and the latest cute boy to helping Martin and his family.
The tenacity and kindness Caitlin and her family exhibit will astound and inspire the reader. Caitlin and her family basically prevent Martin and his family from losing their home (which they share with another family) and dying of starvation. Through great lengths they send money and care packages. Because of their generosity, Martin was able to finish school and come to America for college and job.
**Highly, highly recommend.
The reading level is upper elementary but before giving this book to your 4th/5th grader beware of the following: Points to discuss/warning: Caitlin talks about getting "boobs"/developing; she lies occasionally; boy-crazy/many boyfriends; she and a friend leave the mall with guys they don't know to party on South St., Philly; underage drinking; her one boyfriend (and mentions her brother getting caught with it) uses pot; some swearing.
-Borrowed from a relative.

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