She pursued the study of insects in the 1600's when erroneous conclusions had been made about them and also when women were discouraged from participating in any activities other than housekeeping and raising a family.
Her talent in art and making paints enabled her to draw her observations and earn a living.
Her careful observations and drawings still assist scientists today!
The book proclaims how much research and time Ms. Sidman placed in creating this book. She inserts pages about the time period so the reader can understand the mindset and the culture at that time. She also includes a photograph of a caterpillar slowly transforming into a butterfly at the heading of each chapter. Its stage directly correlates to the stage Maria is experiencing in life. Very clever!
Beautiful art is included by Maria and other painters at that time.
Points to discuss: divorce (Maria leaves her husband), slavery in Suriname, witch hangings; suicide and abortion (the slaves would try to end their lives to escape their horrible situations and also try to end their children's lives so they would not have to born into slavery).
Pair with Summer Birds: The Butterflies of Maria Merian by Margarita Engle (a picture book)
**Highly, highly recommend.
-Borrowed from the library.

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