Settareh lives with her step mother, stepsisters, aunts and female cousins in the women's quarters in Persia. She was beautiful yet lonely.
When her father gives each of his daughters money to buy cloth to make gowns for the No Ruz, the New Year, the girls eagerly shop in the bazaar. Settareh, however, uses her money for nuts and a pot and gives some to a withered woman.
She soon discovers that the pot contains a pari (a fairy) which grants her wishes. It gives her a beautiful gown and jewelry so she can attend the No Ruz.
This story follows some of the traditions of the European Cinderella but the ending is quite different.
My eight year old and I read this book together to support our study of Ancient Persia.
Strategies: figurative lang., expanding vocab, compare/contrast -venn diagram
*Highly recommend.
-Borrowed from the library.
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