Rated: PG (see below)
The movie follows the book pretty well except towards the end the movie producers expounded on Matilda and Miss Honey's interactions with the Trunchbull. They also made her powers easier to utilize and used more frequently. My eleven year old liked the movie better because it had more action (Trunchbull!).
Warning: Mrs. Wormwood is quite curvy and wore clothing to taunt it (cleavage, tight pants). The parents and the brother are mean to Matilda. Her parents are neglectful. Ms. Trunchbull abuses the children in the school. Mr. Wormwood is a thief and dishonest. I think there was one swear word. Matilda's parents abandon her.
The book and movie are not meant for extra sensitive children, impressionable children or younger children.
-Borrowed from the library.

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