Because we listened to a Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle recently, I researched other books she wrote and came upon this beautiful book.
She retells the story of Christ, beginning with the angel announcing to Mary that she would be carrying the Son of God through Pentecost.
She chose to focus on how with God all things are possible and that He does all thing because of love and for love.
It was interesting and refreshing to read these familiar stories with a different perspective and to focus on attributes of God.
Some small tidbits were included that are not supported with Scripture (Mary holding Jesus' head after He was taken down from the cross-maybe taken from Michelangelo's Pieta?? and a woman named Veronica wiping the sweat from His face as he ascended the hill to be crucified-Catholic liturgy.), but make for interesting discussion.
We watched Drive Thru History DVD the same week as we read this book and my oldest son pointed out a Giotto fresco from this book in the DVD! So exciting to make connections!
I read this book aloud to my boys the week leading up to Easter.
*Highly recommend.
-Borrowed from the library.

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