Nan Sparrow is a chimney sweep under the cruel master, Wilkie Crudd, during Victorian England. When Nan becomes stuck in a chimney, she is miraculously saved and finds herself in an abandoned attic. Who saved her? She soon discovers that a lump of soot and ash she carries in her pocket is not ordinary. It is a golem. Together, the golem, whom she names Charlie, make a life in an abandoned mansion and learn what it means to love sacrificially.
A beautiful story of friendship, sacrifice and courage.
Although there are sad events throughout the book and Mr. Auxier does not shy away from the horrific facts about children sweeps, the reader leaves this book with feelings of hope. Achieving this mixture of honesty and hope is quite a feat.
Mr. Auxier has created a story rich with history and imagination. The research he accomplished in order to write the book is impressive.
He suggests many titles about Victorian England, Sweeps and Golems if these subjects have piqued the reader's curiosity.
I love how he includes information and stories about how he began to create and write this story.
**Highly, highly recommend.
-Borrowed from the library (but I may buy it!).
Points to discuss/Warnings: death, Jewish history, chimney sweeps/their history, cruelty

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