Several review sources recommended this novel, so I decided to read it aloud to my boys (ages nine and twelve). My twelve year liked it okay, but my nine year old did not care for it. He did not like how the brothers were choosing to disobey their parents and to make bad decisions. So I stopped reading it aloud to them and read it to myself.
Caleb and his older brother, Bobby Gene, have always lived in Sutton, Indiana. Caleb longs to be not ordinary and experience life beyond their rural town. Under no circumstances, however, does their dad want them to leave their community. It is safe. In fact, he does not even permit the boys to go on field trips to the Indianapolis' museum with their classmates! Then Styx Malone, a sixteen year old foster "child", appears in their woods one summer morning. Styx takes risks. He seizes life. He is not safe. Soon the brothers find themselves in circumstances that involve lying, disobeying and even stealing. Yet it is exhilarating to break out of their protective haven. Caleb wants to live the life Styx has-freedom to be and do what he wants. Yet is Styx really satisfied? Does the security of family and being loved outweigh the freedom to have adventure?
Lots of opportunities to discuss life, the impact of choices and other deeper issues with children when reading this book.
The ending was satisfying.
Point to discuss: Caleb, Bobby Gene and Styx are African American. Caleb and Bobby Gene's father has reviewed what they are do if they are stopped by a police officer to keep them safe.
Other points to discuss/Warnings: Caleb swears two times to show Styx he is "cool"-not a country bumpkin, peer pressure, lying, stealing, disobeying/disrespect, foster care

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