Frank Chapman loved birds (this sentence is repeated a few times throughout the book and was effective!). He worked for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. His job was to create bird exhibits. During this time period on Christmas Day, groups of people would participate in bird competitions. . . hunting birds-any bird. Whichever team shot the most birds, won. Through his magazine Bird-Lore, Frank decided to promote a bird hunt of his own on Christmas Day-a bird count! For the first time in 1900, twenty-seven bird watchers across the United States counted all birds. The tradition has continued to this day!
I love picture books! I learn so much in short amount of time! I never knew the story behind the Christmas Day Bird Count.
Ms. Stemple is Jane Yolen's daughter. Ms. Yolen wrote the beloved book Owl Moon. The girl featured in the book is Heidi Stemple and the father is Jane Yolen's husband (and Heidi's father). Each Christmas Day, Heidi wakes up at midnight to count owls.
After the main narrative, Ms. Stemple shares with young birders how they can participate in various bird counts.
My ten-year old and I thoroughly enjoyed this book and are looking into participating in a bird count ourselves. My son aptly stated, "One person can make a big difference." (referring to Frank Chapman)
**Highly, highly recommend (especially to young birders).
-Borrowed from the library.

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