93 minutes long
The movie followed the basic plot line of the book, but switched some aspects of the plot to make it more exciting. The movie also provides the "why" behind some events in the book (more details about when they were detained at the port because of the fever, why they were moving to this land). I did not like how the movie focused on how Matt's mom had previous feelings about Matt's dad's brother. This relationship was not mentioned in the book at all, and in my opinion, not necessary.
My twelve-year-old did not like how the movie spent time on Matt's family's progress. In the book, the reader only encounters Matt's dad in the beginning and then all of the family at the end. The book focuses on Matt, his survival and his relationship with the Natives.
The book is better!!
Warning: a couple of "d-n"/swearing, the father accuses his wife of having feelings for his brother and regretting marrying him
-Borrowed from the library.

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