Mrs. Olinski, a sixth grade teacher, chose Noah, Nadia, Ethan and Julian to be on the sixth-grade Academic Bowl team. Typically the students are selected based on their high-honor roll status, but Mrs. Olinski decided to handpick the team. As they rise to the top in the competition, people wonder how and why they make such a good team.
Different chapters are dedicated to different characters. Readers discover how the four are connected and how their relationships develop, transform and deepen.
To be honest, as I read this book right before bed each night (so I was tired, which may have been half of the problem!), I had a bit of trouble keeping the characters straight- who belonged to whom and who was connected to whom. If I had a student or tween read this book, I would would recommend that he keep a list of the characters and how they are connected to each other.
The book switches from character's back story to the friendship development to the Academic Bowl throughout the story. Strategy to use: monitor for comprehension
Warnings/points to discuss: One of the "mean boys" in the class writes a note on Julian's book bag calling him an ass. The word b**** is used to describe a female dog. A few mentions of puberty, divorce, kids making fun of Mrs. Olinski who is confined to a wheelchair.

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