Sunday, July 3, 2022

Junonia by Kevin Henkes

 Every year for her birthday, Alice and her parents leave gray Wisconsin for Florida's warmth. This year she will be celebrating her tenth birthday. Looking forward to commemorating the passage to double digits with "her" people: the Wishmeiers and their grandchildren, Helen Blair from NYC, Mr. Barden, who is in his nineties, and Kate, her mom's college friend, Alice discovers this year the guest list and the routines will be disturbed with a newcomer, Mallory, a six-year-old. Alice also has to deal with her intense desire to find a rare shell, the junonia.

A gentle story filled with emotional thoughts about growing up. Mr. Henkes fills the pages with descriptive, emotional language. I enjoyed reading it just for the word choice and the superb writing. I am not so sure how many kids will enjoy this slow-paced story filled with emotions.

Right after the dedication page is a two-page spread of illustrations of Florida seashells. Beautiful, apt illustrations head each chapter.

Points to discuss: Alice decides to name God, "junonia" and declares him a female, disappointments, intense feelings/emotions, divorce and the emotions that accompany it

Pair with-Little Houses by Kevin Henkes ( a picture book about shell searching)

-Borrowed from the library.

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