Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Remarkable Christmas of the Cobbler's Sons by Ruth Sawyer illustrated by Barbara Cooney*

 An Austrian folktale

After reading Because Barbara by Sarah Mackenzie, I requested a book Barbara Cooney illustrated. 

The cobbler and his three sons are resourceful in gathering/finding food and keeping warm in their shack. After mending the butcher's shoes, the cobbler typically cooks a hearty stew, which they call "Schnitzle, Schnotzle, and Schnootzle". One year the cobbler struggles to find work. As Christmas approaches, the boys wonder if they will enjoy any stew. On Christmas Eve a mean, ugly man knocks on their door while their father is searching for work. He is rude and demanding. However, he may be harbinger of fortune.

*Highly recommend.

-Borrowed from the library.

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