Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Theo of Golden by Allen Levi*

 Theo, a man in his eighties, appears in the southern town of Golden. The residents find him kind and generous but elusive. 

When he views portraits of the residents on display in the local coffee shop, he decides to buy them and give them to their "rightful owners" (the subjects). Over the months he listens to their stories and then generously assists wherever they have need. Does he have ulterior motives for his kindness? Who is he?

I love this story about a man who experiences forgiveness from the Source of Life and determines to live out the love Christ has shown to him. Also, all the characters have experienced hardship and are flawed human beings. The ramifications for their decisions are displayed accurately. It reveals that God meets us where we are at and loves us while we are yet sinners. 

Spoiler alert: I am not sure if I like how the author ends Theo's life.

Considerations: Although God is mentioned throughout, only one time is Christ mentioned as the answer. Sometimes I felt like "Theo" was the god and he was the answer, a few characters swear-the type that would swear in real life.

I loved every minute reading this book-for the character development, the characters' stories, the word choice and writing style. It is one I will contemplate for years to come. Superb 1st novel!

*Highly recommend.

-Borrowed from the library

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