Sunday, July 7, 2024

Three Tasks for a Dragon by Eoin Colfer illustrated by P.J. Lynch

After his father's death, Prince Lir is deceived by his stepbrother Prince Delbayne.  In order to remain within the kingdom and to receive a penison, he must complete a quest. The posted quest is to save a maiden from a dragon. Using his wit and intellect, Prince Lir seems to have great success. However, the dark magic (blood magic) still overpowers the valient characters. The "distressed" maiden has a secret identity, unknown even to herself. Towards the middle-to-end,  I was disappointed about the story's progression. The ending is satisfying and hopeful, though! 
I love P.J. Lynch's illustrations. 
*Highly recommend but see "considerations" first before reading.
Considerations: magic, girl power
-Borrowed from the library.

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