Friday, December 20, 2024

The Wild Horses of Sweetbriar by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock illustrated by Ted Rand

 This story is based on true events that occurred in the winter of 1895 on Tuckernuck Island (off of Nantucket).

The narrator, a seven-year-old girl, relates the months she lived on Sweetbriar Island while her father worked for the Coast Guard. She especially loved the wild horses and agonized over their desperate search for food during the winter months.

The language is poetic and descriptive. The idea living on an island with no other families there appeals to my romantic nature! When I finished the book, I felt like hardly anything had happened. .  .but I guess it is more a description of this lifestyle and the true event? I could appreciate the beauty of the sentences and the unique living experience, but modern readers may struggle with the seemingly missing plot.

I loved the illustrations.

-Borrowed from the library.

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