Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Brooklyn Bridge text set*

 After reading Secret Engineer, I wanted to learn more about this exciting engineering feat. I borrowed the following books from the library about the building of the Brooklyn Bridge. If you have a child who is fascinated by bridges or is considering engineering as his/her educational pursuit, these books will appeal to them.

1. This first one is my favorite from the trio-The Brooklyn Bridge by Elizabeth Mann illustrated by Alan Witschonke. For grades 2nd and older.

It shares the story of the Roebling family (John, Washington, and Washington's wife Emily) and details of the entire bridge construction. The illustrations/drawings are meticulous. A couple of pages fold out, expanding the illustration.

**Highly, highly recommend.

2. Twenty-One Elephants and Still Standing by April Jones Prince illustrated by Francois Roca

A week after its opening, a rumor raged through New York that bridge was about to collapse. To dispel the people from their fears, P.T. Barnum announced that he would allow his twenty-one elephants to parade across the bridge to prove it was safe. I love the alliteration and figurative language utilized this one. 
*Highly recommend.

3. How Emily Saved the Bridge by Frieda Wishinsky illustrated by Natalie Nelson
This book focuses on Emily and how vital she was in the bridge's construction. If she had not been as intelligent and ambitious as she was, the bridge would not have been built in that time period. Focuses on women's rights

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