Thursday, March 6, 2025

Will's Race for Home by Jewell Parker Rhodes*

 Redeemed Reader reviewed this book and gave it a starred review.

Even though the Emancipation Proclamation freed Will's family, they still do not own their land as they spend their days as sharecroppers. When Will's father brings home a pamphlet announcing the opportunity for free land in OK, the family decides to leave Texas for Oklahoma. During the arduous journey, Will's relationship with his reticent father transforms. Fending off thieves, facing  racism, fending off rattlesnakes, eduring long, boring days and befriending a former Union soldier (Caesar), Will becomes a young man with his own identity.

An exciting coming-of-age story  This engaging historical fiction novel brings the Oklahoma Land Rush to life. Highly recommend having your children read it when studying this period of history

Finally, a historical fiction with a male main character which will appeal to boys. So many historical fiction books target girls!

Warnings/discussion for sensitive readers or younger readers: racism, violence-Western fist fights and gun battles, When Will stakes out his family's land, he encounters a group of men who want to steal his plot from him. Will threatens to kill them with Caesar's Colt and realizes that he is capable of killing another man, which goes against his father's principles. He grapples with this person he is becoming.

*Highly recommend for grades 4 and older.

-Borrowed from the library.

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