When I was researching writing curriculum, I discovered Julie and her Brave Writer curriculum. Although I decided not to purchase/implement her curriculum, I listen to her podcasts, I regularly plan Poetry Teas, and occasionally we have a Friday Free Write. Because I have such a Type A personality, sometimes I do not agree with her suggestions . . . .which is so good because her views stretch me and take me out of "my comfort zone!". Julie Bogart is a delightful person on her podcasts and her vibrant, warm personality radiates from her writing too.
I loved reading this book! Julie analyzes the core of homeschooling and presents philosophies and techniques which will foster relationships and connections.
Her Superpowers of Brave Learning are:
Four Forces of Enchantment-surprise, mystery, risk, and adventure
Four Capacities of Learning-curiosity, collaboration, contemplation, and celebration
Four Ports of Entry-mind, body, heart, spirit
Julie has kindly allowed readers to download a PDF file with note taking pages that correspond with each chapter for FREE!
*Highly recommend (I did not agree with all of her philosophies/suggestions, but again I enjoy that as it stretches me and causes me to reevaluate and sometimes change my views!!).
-Borrowed from the library.
Link to Brave Writer (the curriculum)-https://bravewriter.com/

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