Achen has lived the life of a stray. Along with scars from being beaten is the brand "S" for stray on his back He longs to change stations in life so he can marry his childhood friend, Gren. Then a knight named Gavin who is a Kingsguard offers to train him (which is illegal). As Achen trains and begins to encounter various people from the kingdom of Er'Rets, he begins to discover his gift of bloodvoicing and who he really is.
Vrell Sparrow enters Achen's life to care for his wounds. Masquerading as boy, she hopes to avoid an unwanted marriage to the crown Prince. Unfortunately, an evil man wants to exploit her and Achan's abilities.
This novel is fast-paced. The characters are well-developed. The prose is also excellent.
Two more books complete this series. Ms. Williamson has also written the Kinsman Chronicles which continue the saga to redeem Er'Rets from the darkness.
Point to discuss: The library has it categorized as "young adult". Achen and Vrell have romantic feelings for other characters. Gren briefly kisses Achen on the lips. Although romance is certainly not center-staged, those uncomfortable with a bit of romance should be warned.

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