My nine year old read an abridged version edited by Kathryn Lindskoog, which was significantly shorter. My twelve year old and I read the original versions.
The story tells about Hans Brinker and his family as they struggle to make ends meet after the father Raff Brinker's accident. This accident has left him mentally unstable and insane. Is their any hope for his recovery? Where is the money that he and his wife had been saving for years? It disappeared the night before he was injured.
Majority of the story also focuses on a group of boys who decide to have an adventure by skating fifty miles over a four day period. These boys live in the same village as the Brinker family, but only Peter chooses to be kind to Hans. One member of this group is Ben, Jacob's English cousin. The reader learns about Dutch culture and history as Ben asks questions.
The author provides detailed explanation of Dutch history, sights and culture.
The three of us thoroughly enjoyed this story.
Most children who are use to more simplistic, fast moving plots may label this story "boring".
We will be watching the Disney produced movie based on this book. We are looking forward to comparing the book to the movie! It is bound to be quite different!!
*Highly recommend.
-Borrowed from the library.

Abridged version:

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