Below are a few I have read:
1. Letting Swift River Go by Jane Yolen illustrated by Barbara Cooney
Ms. Yolen shares how a valley, the "Swift River towns", is flooded to build a reservoir to provide water for the city of Boston. The story focuses on the beautiful life before the Quabbin Reservoir was built, how the area was cleared and then how the main character had to process it and move on with life.

2. Hattie and the Wild Waves written by and illustrated by Barbara Cooney
Ms. Cooney shares the story of her mother, who longed to be an artist all of her life and then finally gathers up the courage to do so.
Points to discuss: adults drinking, Hattie consults a fortune teller machine.

3. Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall illustrated by Barbara Cooney
*Highly recommend.
The Caldecott Medal Award
I loved this book! The ox-cart man travels ten days to sell the goods he and his family have made in Portsmouth. He returns with special items from the city. His family then commences to create goods for him to sell again in the fall.

-All books were borrowed from the library.
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