Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jupiter Rising by Gary D. Schmidt*

 Mr. Schmidt develops characters so well. As a reader you are drawn to them and care about them. Jupiter Rising is a sequel to Orbiting Jupiter. I recommend reading the books in order. I loved this book. I also enjoy seeing characters from previous Schmidt novels pop up in other ones (Doug Swietek's brother, who is now a Coach and PE teacher,appears in this book). 

Jack loves Jupiter, Joseph's three-year-old daughter. Jack's parents are in the process of adopting her when Jupiter's grandparents (Madeleine's parents) decide that they want her. Jack cannot take losing another person he loves. But it looks like the law will side with the grandparents. Then Jack's running buddy Jay is hit by a truck while he is running. How much more can an eighth grade boy handle?

I love how Mr. Schmidt advocates the sanctity of life through these two novels. He does not shield the reader from the pain and suffering involved with teens having a baby, with foster care, and with the adoption process. I also love the supportive, wise adults that influence the young people. 

*Highly recommend for mature junior highers or older. See warnings/considerations.

Warnings/considerations: Jupiter is the result of a teen pregnancy, both of her parents died in the previous novel, swearing, hit/run accident, neglectful parents (BUT, Jack's parents are wonderful-a realistic portrayal of families-some wonderful, some horrible/selfish), the grandfather smokes

-Borrowed from the library.

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