Sunday, September 8, 2024

Orbiting Jupiter by Gary D. Schmidt*

 I could have read this book in one sitting. Mr. Schmidt writes with clarity. His perfect word choice allows the reader to visualize and to experience the story through the senses. 

Eighth-grader Joseph is a father. He almost killed his teacher. He has been incarcerated. When the Hurd family fostered him, they knew his back story and embraced him and his past. Slowly, through the Hurd family's love and the comfort found on a  Maine farm, Joseph opens up and allows love to soften him. Then his biological father decides to interfere . . .and Joseph is determined to find his daughter, Jupiter.

A very sad ending enfused with hope

Categorized as "young adult"-warnings: teen pregnancy (Joseph's premarital encounter with Madeleine is not described in detail), death of a beloved character, abusive father

*Highly recommend for high school and older.

-Borrowed from the library.

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