Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Bird in the Tree by Elizabeth Goudge*

 #1 in the Eliot Chronicles (a trilogy)

Initially, I almost stopped reading this novel. I did not agree with David's romantic relationship. Then I remembered how Ms. Goudge usually displays the reality of mankind's fallen state and then has her characters realistically come to grips with sin and repent of it. So I continued reading. I am glad I did!

Lucilla Eliot has created a comforting safe-haven for her children and grandchildren  in the estate Damerosehay located in Hampshire, England. After her son George's divorce, she is raising his three children while he serves the military in India. His young ex-wife, Nadine, is not involved with their children. Lucilla does not like her. David, her older grandson, is her favorite. When he comes for a visit to Damerosehay, the dogs, his much younger cousins, Lucilla, and Ellen, Lucilla's long-time "maid"/friend, all rejoice and anticipate. This time, however, David has news that he knows will break Lucilla's heart. His little cousins may not regard him in such high esteem.

Will Lucilla be able to reveal to David his grave mistake and how his choice could destroy the family unity she has spent a lifetime creating?

God is mentioned a few times but not as the sole answer to the characters' problems. A question to ponder-Can you really force yourself to learn to love a spouse when you were told to marry them? With God all things are possible. . .

I could relate more to Hilary and Margaret, Lucilla's less glamorous children. I liked yet did not like Lucilla & David-they almost seemed too beautiful and charming!

Little side stories about the history of the estate were intriguing. 

Considerations (if giving to teen): the one dog's name is Bastard, a cousin falling in love with a former aunt, some use of word d**n

*Highly recommend.

-Borrowed from the library.

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