Thursday, January 26, 2017

Clutter Free by Kathi Lipp*

I heard Kathy speak on Focus on the Family this month where she offered some suggestions to make one's life "clutter free".
In this book, not only does she offer practical tips on purging clutter, she examines the mind and heart and analyzes WHY we have clutter.
Only a third of the book is dedicated to the actual "how to".  Two thirds of the book explore the cost of clutter and various reasons why we have a tendency to build clutter.
The chapters are short and often full of humorous stories.  It feels like you are sitting across from her and having a lively conversation.
She challenges the reader to dispose of 2,000 items in one year.
A helpful motto she shares when trying to decide if one should keep an item or not is to ask:
"Do I use it?  Do I love it? Would I buy it again?"
She also includes a list she compiled of 50 things to get rid of today.
*Highly recommend.
-Borrowed via inter-library loan.

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