Friday, October 9, 2020

The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier*

 Fleeing Ireland during the Great Famine, siblings, Molly and Kip,  arrive in England without parents, searching for work.  When the town doesn't provide  job opportunities, they seek employment in the countryside at a manor house.  A huge tree is growing next to the house with its roots growing into the rooms and walls.  The family that resides there seems sickly.  Each day they seem to be growing thinner and paler.  At night a man wanders the house with a watering can and wind swirling around him.  Everyone in the house has reoccuring nightmares.  When Molly and Kip try to protect each other and the family from the man, he pursues them and nearly kills them.  They know they must leave the manor.  Evil lurks and controls it.  Then Molly enters the mysterious room with the green door.  What she finds there causes her to feel compelled to stay.  Can Kip open her eyes to the depth of evil and convince her to leave?

A very well-crafted story with interesting characters (even the minor ones are well-developed).  I stayed up very late to finish the last half of the book!  It took Mr. Auxier nine years to write this book.  Every aspect of it is quality. 

*Highly recommend, but NOT for the sensitive reader.  Some scary parts (the Night Gardener is very creepy and evil) ; violence.  Three people die during the story.  **Spoiler alert-Molly and Kip's parents die in a sinking boat before the story begins.

-Borrowed from the library.

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