Saturday, January 21, 2023

Surviving Religion 101 by Michael J. Kruger*

 Readers gain insight how to combat worldviews being purported at college through the author's letters to his daughter, Emma, as she enters college. Since the author's faith was initially shaken when he attended college, he understands the importance of being prepared for individuals and worldviews that will question Christ, the Bible and God. I first read a review about this book on blog about apologetics. Then my sons' youth pastor recommended it in his weekly parent email. 

Chapters include-smart professors-more likely they are right and I'm wrong?, Christianity the only right religion?, our Christian morals seem hateful & intolerant,gay friends, hell seems barbaric/cruel, how can a good God allow suffering/evil?, science seems to explain everything, why do we need God?, resurrection/miracles, is the Bible really from God, contradictions in the Gospel, a lot more chapters about the Bible's validity, does the Bible advocate oppression & genocide?,handling doubt, & lastly, "Christianity just isn't working for me".

Unfortunately, we don't remember all of the points the author made because we read it over one and half years (parts of a chapter once a week). It may be better suited to read in a short amount of time with lots of discussion or read independently and then dicussed. Thankfully, I own it and we can revisit it. My youngest son wants to reread it when he is older, closer to attending college. Also, it can used as a resource book. Each chapter can be read independently, in any order.

*Highly recommend.

-I own this book.

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