Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Appleblossom the Possum by Holly Goldberg Sloan*

 When a friend was asking for read aloud suggestions for preschoolers, she mentioned this book. I had never read it, so I decided to read it. I am familiar with the author, Holly Goldberg Sloan (I reviewed her books Counting by 7s  & Short on this blog).

Appleblossom, the littlest possum in the bunch, and her siblings must learn to be  performers to survive. After weeks of "acting" led by Mama Possum, the possums find themselves on their own. Applebloosom and her two brothers Amlet & Antonio, however, are a bit more timid and decide to stick together. Although timid, Applebloosom is curious. She spies on the monsters (aka people) and accidently falls into their chimney. Her brothers, witnessing the fall, summon up their courage and plan a rescue operation. 

Humorous and sweet! I loved how Ms. Sloan wove in possum facts. I still do not like these creatures (in real life they are cruel, and I think they are ugly!) but enjoyed learning more about them. The Shakespeare references and quotes added another layer of delight.

*Highly recommend.

-Borrowed from the library.

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